Masonic Lodge

Opposite the Hartley Arms is an impressive building of local stone built 1868-69. Very elegant with its Doric pillars supporting the pediment and windows of unusual design, it stands as a tribute to design and orkmanship.
Designed by Messrs Mason and Clayton of Dunedin as a Masonic Lodge and Temple, it was built by J. Over under the watchful eye of
Vincent Pyke, the Provincial Grand Master, at a cost of£800 ($1,600). But when the Masons
ran out of money the townspeople came to their aid on the condition the building would be regarded as a Town Hall. A cavity below the foundation stone holds a bottle sealed with the grand Master’s ring and contains scrolls, as well as early copies of the Otago Daily Times,
Dunstan Times and some coins. The handsome silver trowel, made by a local silversmith (Barlow) and used to lay the mortar can be seen in the local museum. A grand
ball held in the hall marked the occasion. The Athenaeum (Library) was added in 1874, and was used as the council chamber until 1878. The Masons took it over in 1954.


For information (including possible membership) please contact :

John Hanning on 021 151 8340

(See also Activities / Other Activities / Services / Masonic Lodge)

The Antheneum addition

Building History

Historic Places Category II (Historic Places Act 1993)
Prior to 1869
Designed by Mason and Clayton. Designed as a lodge and Temple for Freemasons.
(Now Mason and Wales Architects, Dunedin)
Freemasons could not afford, sold to Municipality of Clyde on understanding it could be used as a Lodge.
Build contract to Mr. J. Oliver 800.00 pounds
1869 (16 April)  RWM Vincent Pyke laid footstone, Bottle, ODT, DT, Scrolls, Coins, used a Silver Trowel. (In Clyde Museum)  Trowel made by “Mr. Barlow” local silversmith
1869 (21 Oct) Building completed
1874 Athenaeum added. Town Hall and and Athenaeum used as such until 1950’s

Lodge Dunstan History

1866 (Nov/Dec) Meeting to start Lodge in Clyde, Held at Bendigo Hotel, Clyde
1867 (7 August) Charter Grand Lodge Scotland
1868 (30 November) Consecration, Lodge Dunstan No. 470.
1868 RWB Vincent Pyke installed as Master, ceremony at Clyde School
1869 – 1874, 1878 Lodge building (Town Hall) consecrated and used,
1878 - 1895 Lean times, recess
1895 (3 Sept) Grand Lodge NZ Charter, Lodge Dunstan No.103
1919 Building next to Commercial Hotel, Clyde purchased, owned and used until 1956
1954 Lodge building purchased by Lodge Dunstan after Clyde Memorial Hall built.



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